


Online Item rate E-tenders are invited from reputed agencies for the work mentioned below at Cochin International Airport.

Name of Work

Design, Supply, Installation , Integration, Testing and Commissioning of  AI-Based Digital Platform at CIAL

Brief Description of Work

This project involves designing supplying, installing integrating, testing, and commissioning AI-Based Digital Platform for CIAL

Estimated Cost

Rs. 11.99 Crores +Taxes

Bidding Procedure

Two Bid

Cost of Tender Document

Rs 25,000 /- inclusive of taxes

Earnest Money Deposit

Rs 20 Lakhs (online through e-GP Kerala website)

Period of Completion

Phase 1 Go live – 6 months

Phase 2 Go Live - 6 months

Commissioning – 3 Months

Total – 15 Months from the date of issue of purchase order

Bid Documents

Can be downloaded from www.etenders.kerala.gov.in

Period of download of tender document

Till 15:00 Hrs on 18/03/2025

Period of Clarifications

From 14/02/2025 to 27/02/2025

Date of submission of tender

Till 15:00 hrs on 18/03/2025

Date of opening of Technical bid           

19/03/2025 at 15:30 Hrs

Date of opening of Financial bid

Will be intimated later






























Interested firms may register themselves on the online E-Tendering portal https://etenders.kerala.gov.in and download the Tender documents.

Eligibility Criteria:


S. No. 

PQ criteria

Supporting Documents 


Bidder should be either:

  • A company registered under the Indian Companies Act, 2013 OR
  • A partnership firm registered under the Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) Act, 2008 OR
  • A partnership firm registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.

Certificate of Incorporation or Certificate of Registration issued by the Registrars of Companies 



Bidder should have an  annual turnover of Rs.100 Crores in any of the  last 5 financial years  (2023-24, 2022-23, 2021-22, 2020-21,2019-20)                              

Copies of Audited Balance Sheet and P&L and a certificate from a CA . All Audited Financial Statements must have got affixed Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) of Chartered Accountant, in case if any years Financial Statements does not have UDIN affixed, CA Certificate with UDIN certifying the Turnover of the Company needs to be attached


The bidder should have completed projects of    AI/ML based application building  or cloud based Mobile applications for passengers in the last five financial years (2023-24, 2022-23, 2021-22, 2020-21,2019-20)

  • Three similar services each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 4.8 Crores OR
  • Two similar services each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 6 Crores  OR
  • One similar service each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 9.6 Crores

Satisfactory Completion Certificate and PO  from end user indicating the value of project


Bidder  should be CMMI Level 3 or above certified

CMMI certification


Certificate by authorized signatory confirming unconditional acceptance of all tender terms and conditions

As per Section 9.4


Authorization of signatory for the purpose of this tender

Power of Attorney as per Annexure VI





a. All pre-qualification criteria should be met by the original bidder itself and not through any partner, joint venture, consortium etc.

b. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by a contractor or by firm of contractors.

c. No two or more concerns in which an individual is interested as proprietor and /or partner shall tender for the execution of the same works. If they do so all such tenders shall be liable to be rejected.

Cochin International Airport Ltd reserves the right to change the qualifying criteria at their discretion and to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. The tenders not accompanied by EMD shall be summarily rejected.