Kochi Airport P.O | Phone: 0484-2610115
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cial.aero
CIAL/COMMN/ATRS/01 13/03/2024
Item rate E-tenders are invited from reputed contractors for the Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Tray Return System and Integration with Dual View X-ray Baggage Inspection System at Cochin International Airport.
Name of work
SITC of Automatic Tray Return System and Integration with Dual View Baggage Inspection Systems (X-BIS).
Scope of work
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10 nos. of Automatic Tray Return System and related components viz. Primary screening workstation, Recheck workstation, Supervisory station, Network, UPS etc. and Integration with the existing Dual View X-Ray Baggage Inspection Systems (X-BIS) at the Pre-Embarkation Security Check (PESC) area at the Domestic (T1) and International (T3) Terminals at Cochin International Airport.
Estimate Amount
Rs. 15 Crores (inclusive of taxes)
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
Rs.15 Lakhs (Online payment only)
Tender Submission Fee
Rs.11,800/- (inclusive of GST & Online payment only)
Period of completion
6 months
Period of download of Tender Document
From 26/03/2024 - Till 1500 Hrs (IST) on 22/04/2024
Last date of submission of Pre-Bid Queries
02/04/2024 at 1500 Hrs. (IST)
Date of Pre-bid meeting
08/04/2024 at 1500 Hrs. (IST)
Last Date of submission of tender document
Till 1500 Hrs (IST) on 22/04/2024
Date of opening of Technical bid
23/04/2024 at 1530 Hrs. (IST)
Date of opening of commercial bid
Will be intimated later
Interested firms may register themselves on the online E-Tendering portal https://etenders.kerala.gov.in and then download the Tender documents.
Eligibility Criteria
The bidder should be a reputed Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of Automatic Tray Return System (ATRS)
an Authorized representative of the manufacturer (OEM) of Automatic Tray Return System (ATRS), who is having authorization certificate from the OEM to participate in the tender at CIAL.
(Documents to be submitted: Company Profile of bidder & OEM and Consent certificate from OEM to participate in the subject tender.).
The bidder or the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) who has issued authorization certificate to the bidder should have executed the work of Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Tray Return System and Integration with Dual View X-Ray Baggage Inspection Systems (X-BIS) in any of the International Airports during the preceding 5 (Five) years, meeting any of the following criteria (I), (II) and (III):
(Documents to be submitted: Satisfactory work completion certificate from the competent authority of the Airport client for “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of Automatic Tray Return System integrated with Dual View X-Ray Baggage Inspection Systems (X-BIS), mentioning the following:
iv. Details of the competent authority of the Airport client (Phone no., contact e-mail ID) should be mentioned in the satisfactory work completion certificate.)
Relevant project experience of the following entities can be submitted as necessary proof for Pre-Qualification condition (2):
I. Bidder; II. Parent company of the bidder; III. Any fully owned subsidiary unit of the bidder's parent company; IV. OEM of ATRS.
The Bidder and OEM should comply with the Government of India Order No.
6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd July 2020 issued by the Public Procurement Division, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.
(Documents to be submitted: bidder and OEM shall submit an undertaking with respect to compliance to the Government of India Order No. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd July 2020 at the time of submission of Technical bid. In case above mentioned order is applicable to the bidder or OEM, valid registration certificate shall be submitted along with the Technical Bid.)
The Bidder should have a minimum annual turnover of Rs.18 Crores in any of the last four financial years.
(Documents to be submitted: (i) Audited Profit & Loss statement and (ii) Audited Balance Sheet OR Certificate with UDIN from the Auditors regarding Turnover from Sales and Services for the last four financial years 2019-20 / 2020-21 / 2021-22 /
The bidder/manufacturer (OEM) should have own/authorized sales and service center in India to ensure smooth project implementation and onsite maintenance service for the quoted equipments.
(Document to be submitted:
If bidder is an OEM: Undertaking from the OEM certifying that it has own sales and service centre in India, mentioning the complete Address, Contact number etc. and Certificate of Incorporation/ GST Registration certificate issued by GSTN authorities, PAN Card.
If bidder is an authorized representative of the manufacturer:
Undertaking from the manufacturer (OEM) that the ATRS quoted shall meet all the latest specifications and guidelines laid down by Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS), Government of India.
(Documents to be submitted: Certificate from OEM confirming that quoted ATRS is fully compliant with all the latest specifications laid down by Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS)).
The bidder should not have been blacklisted either by CIAL or any of the reputed organization.
(Documents to be submitted: Self declaration by the bidder)
Cochin International Airport Ltd reserves the right to change the qualifying criteria at their discretion and to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
The tenders not accompanied by EMD shall be summarily rejected.
No of Airlines
No of Passengers
Years in to Service