


Online item rate E-Tenders are invited from reputed agencies for the Supply, Installation, Integration, Testing and Commissioning of Golf Club Software at Cochin International Airport.

Name of work

Supply, Installation, Integration Testing and Commissioning of Golf Club Software at Cochin International Airport.

Period of Completion

08 Months

Estimate cost

Rs.19Lakhs + taxes.


Rs.40,000/- (online payment only)

Period of Download of Tender Document

Till 15:00 hrs on 07/08/2024

Last date of submission of Pre- Bid Queries

Till 17:00 hrs on 25/07/2024

Last Date of submission of tender document

Till 15:00 hrs on 07/08/2024 

Date of opening of technical bid

15:30 hrs on 08/08/2024

Date of opening of commercial

Will be intimated later

Interested firms may register themselves on the online E-Tendering portal https://etenders.kerala.gov.in and download the Tender documents.





Eligibility Criteria

Supporting Documents



Bidder Should have successfully commissioned Club Management Software with order value more than Rs. 14 Lakhs.

Satisfactory Completion Certificate from the clients indicating value of Contract




The Bidder should have a local office in India

Certificate of Incorporation/ GST Registration certificate issued by GSTN authorities (copy)/ PAN Card (copy).



The Bidder should have an annual turnover to the tune of Rs.1 Crore during any one of the last 4 years. The performance for the financial years 2020-2021, 2021-2022,2022-2023 and 2023-2024 will only be considered for the above qualifying parameters.

Audited Financial Statements viz; Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account and Schedules annexed thereto. All Audited Financial Statements must have got affixed Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) of Chartered Accountant, in case if any years Financial Statements does not have UDIN affixed, CA Certificate with UDIN certifying the Turnover of the Company needs to be attached.


(1) Not more than one tender shall be submitted by a Contractor or by firm of Contractors.

(2) No two or more concerns in which an individual is interested as proprietor and/or partner shall tender for the execution of the same works. If they do so all such tenders shall be liable to be rejected.

(3) CIAL reserves the right to obtain additional documents from the Bidder or clients of the bidder to assess the eligibility of the bidder or for the technical evaluation of bid. CIAL also reserves the right to verify any of the bidder’s submitted details, with any of the bidder’s clients whose references have been provided to CIAL, to assess the eligibility of the bidder, at any stage of the Tender evaluation.

(4) CIAL reserves the right to request for short fall documents to be submitted by the bidder during the bid evaluation.

Cochin International Airport Ltd reserves the right to change the qualifying criteria at their discretion and to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. The tenders not accompanied by EMD shall be summarily rejected.