CIAL/COMMN/CUPPS/05 12/09/2024
Online item rate E-Tenders are invited from OEMS of Common Use Passenger Processing Systems the Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Common Use Passenger Processing Systems at CIAL.
Name of work
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Common Use Passenger Processing Systems at CIAL
Period of Completion
15 Months
Period of Contract
7 Years
Estimate cost
Rs. 36 Crore
Rs. 20,00,000/- (Rs.20 Lakhs (online)
Tender Submission Fee
Rs.25,000/- (Online payment only) inclusive of taxes
Period of Download of Tender Document
Till 15:00 hrs. on 29/10/2024
Last date of submission of Pre- Bid Queries
Till 17:00 hrs. on 08/10/2024
Last Date of submission of tender document
29/10/2024 at 15:00 hrs.
Date of opening of technical bid
30/10/2024 at 15:30 hrs.
Date of opening of commercial
Will be intimated later
Interested firms may register themselves on the online E-Tendering portal and download the Tender documents.
Eligibility Criteria:
Sl No
Document required
The Bids shall be submitted by only the sole Bidder; no consortium is allowed in this Bid. The Bidder must be the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of the CUPPS Systems.
Declaration in this regard needs to be submitted?
The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its Bid, an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as specified in Section 2.2
Payment shall be made as specified in section 2.11?of the tender document.
(a) Valid documentary proof of:
• Certificate of incorporation
(b) Valid documentary proof of:
Note: If the bidder is not a registered company in India at the time of bid submission, they must submit an undertaking stating that an Indian company will be established within 90 days of the award of the work.
The average annual financial turnover of the bidder during the last three year ending
31.03.2023 should be at least ? 50 Crores.
Audited balance sheet for the financial years 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.
All Audited Financial Statements must have got affixed Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) of Chartered Accountant (for Indian Companies). In case if Financial Statements does not have UDIN affixed, CA Certificate with UDIN certifying the Turnover of the Company needs to be attached.
Note: Relevant turnover of the following entities can be submitted as necessary proof for Pre-Qualification condition (1): I. Bidder; II. Parent company of the bidder; Audited Financial Statements viz; Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account and Schedules annexed thereto has to be submitted.
However, the undertaking from the parent company that it will fulfill the contractual obligations at no additional cost to CIAL in case of insolvency of the bidding entity should be provided if parent company credentials are used.
Bidder should have successfully completed implementation of CUPPS System in any two airports, during the last seven years ending on 31 March 2024.
Satisfactory Completion certificate from the customer.
Relevant project experience of the following entities can be submitted as necessary proof. I Bidder; II. Parent company of the bidder; III. Any fully owned subsidiary unit of the bidder's parent company.
Certificate by authorized signatory confirming unconditional acceptance of all tender terms and conditions
As per Section 8.4 of the tender document.
Authorization of signatory for the purpose of this tender
Power of Attorney as per Annexure VI of the tender document.
Cochin International Airport Ltd reserves the right to change the qualifying criteria at their discretion and to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. The tenders not accompanied by EMD shall be summarily rejected.
No of Airlines
No of Passengers
Years in to Service