- The Bidder should have satisfactorily executed Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Baggage Handling System with Automatic Baggage Sorting System, integrated with Standard-3 CT based Level-1 X-BIS during the preceding 8 years in an International Airport meeting any of the following criteria (I), (II) and (III):
- One work order of value not less than Rs.90 Crores
- Two work orders, each of value not less than Rs.56 Crores.
- Three work orders, each of value not less than Rs. 45 Crores.
(b) The whole system shall be in live operation for a minimum period of 1 year.
(Documents to be submitted: Satisfactory work completion certificate from the competent authority of the Airport client proving that the above mentioned criteria (a) and (b) are met by the bidder, mentioning the following:
i. Work Order number and date,
ii. Nature of work, Equipment details (make and model of both Baggage Sorting System and CT based Level-1 X-BIS integrated with BHS), either Contract value or statement mentioning that contract value meets/ exceeds the work order value criteria mentioned in (a) above, Quality of work executed,
iii. Period of execution and work completion date,
iv. Total period of operation of the BHS & BSS
v. Status of Service support: Satisfaction Level of the Airport mentioning clearly whether the project execution and service support of the bidder was satisfactory.
Details of the competent authority of the Airport client (Phone no., contact e-mail ID) should be mentioned in the satisfactory work completion certificate.)
In case the work order is not directly awarded by the Airport client to the bidder, documents proving that the bidder has executed the said work meeting the criteria (a) must be submitted.